Q. What are your hours?
A. I am open Monday thru Friday, 7am to 6pm.
Q. What are your rates?
A. Rates are private; please call me to discuss them.
Q. Do you offer a sibling discount?
A. Since each child takes an individual spot, I do not offer a sibling discount.
Q. What are your availabilities?
A. As of September 30, 2009, I have one infant (under 2) spot and 2 toddler (over 2, under 5) spots. I also have 2 before and after school spots available.
Q. What is your typical day like?
A. In truth, there is no "typical" day when you are a child care provider. Each day is different than the one before. Each day depends on the childrens' moods and attitudes. The basic schedule times stay the same; however, the actual activity may change.